We had a blast with Dicey Situations and Saturday Night Strategists at Drexel Hill

Congratulations to our grand prize winner Eilir Grace-Duff standing front and center! You'll be getting a badge to PAX Unplugged mailed to you soon!
Last night we went to Board and Brew PA and demo'd the game for the lovely Emily who won! Yes, against me, the designer. I blame a distracting sugar rush from the delicious chai latte milkshake I had!

I also played with a wonderful group with large amounts friendly exclamations of betrayal! And copious amounts of revenge. Chloe and Kathryn held nothing back against Cat, as you can see by their smiles. Hopefully I'll see you at the tournament guys!

As for September, we have quite the line up, with more coming!
Revolution Superfest has a game day on the 4th of September and I will be their once again with Dicey Situations! Come play in a tournament for another chance to win a ticket to PAX Unplugged!
On the 18th we will be at Hex and Co in NY with another tournament and a chance for a ticket.
On the 24th we will be at The Philly Game Shop in the evening demoing.
And we are hoping to add even more events, so stay tuned for updates, links, and more!